The manufacturing industry is riding a wave of unprecedented change driven by evolving customer expectation and rapid technology advancements.
While customer demand more personalization, competitive pricing and rapid innovation in new technologies such as Automation, 3D printing and IoT enabled sensors are transforming the shop floor.
To succeed and thrive in this environment, manufacturers will have to focus on the end-user experience, rather than just their immediate customers. They will need to take greater control and ownership of their entire value chain.
Benefits offered by SAP for
the Manufacturing Industry
- Maintaining integrity over work data.
- Processing payroll end to end.
- Maintaining quality control audits, checklists and standard operating procedures.
- Gaining and retaining quality talent through governance, support and assessment against Best-Practice Benchmark
SAP for the Manufacturing Industry
The SAP manufacturing module offers a holistic solution that integrates and streamlines all aspects of the value
chain – Right from R&D to production planning, manufacturing, design and execution to shop floor, logistics, and service. It provides an agile and integrated solution, with document management and reporting capabilities needed for decision making from mid-sized enterprises to large corporations